Sevastopol Marine Aquarium-Museum - one of the oldest public aquariums in Europe, is the oldest marine aquarium of the country. It was founded in 1897 in the Sevastopol Biological Station, which is not only the oldest Russian station, but also fifth in the world since its inception.
idea of creation belongs to the Aquarium's first director of the Sevastopol Biological Station Academician SA Kovalevsky,.
He has a special construction of the building for the biological station with marine aquarium on the banks of the Sevastopol Bay, on the former site of Mykolayiv batteries. To organize the construction of a proper level AO Kovalevsky specially traveled abroad - to France, Italy, studying the organization of work at the biological station in Naples, Villafranca, in the Mediterranean, Arkarone, on the Atlantic coast. At that time, aquarium had only one room, where residents were shown the Black Sea. Premises marine aquarium acted on the northwest side of the building in the form of square terraces. Inside the premises are 7-wall aquarium (total volume of 18 m3) and a central pool of 24 m3. All pools were filled aquarium fish fauna of the Black Sea. Aquarium has been open to visitors free of charge 3 days a week (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday). Learning is SBS lectures on the life of the Black Sea organized groups of visitors. Even before the opening of the Aquarium scientists SBS collected and produced a collection of fishes of the Black Sea.
Building Museum and the future activities of marine aquarium connected with the name of the largest Russian hydrobiologist academician SA Zernov, who led the Sevastopol Biological Station from 1901 to 1914. Because of hardship Stations SA Zernov fussed about the introduction of entrance fees to the Aquarium. April 6, 1904 has been installed in the Aquarium entrance fee three days a week, other days the public attended the Aquarium free of charge. Since 1902 the museum began to form SBS, which was supplemented equip biological material in the Black and Marmara seas. Museum has developed slowly due to lack of space. Thanks to efforts of SA Zernova to the station building in 1912, was added the southern wing, which housed the museum.
began in 1914 Imperialist war made it impossible for the sea. During the First World War, the Great October Socialist Revolution, the Civil War put SBS in extremely difficult conditions in which it is difficult to maintain fitness.
Only after the establishment of Soviet power in Crimea in 1920, despite the abject insecurity, work stations are beginning to develop.
In 1934 and 1935 to the building of the station was added the north wing, repeated in the architectural design of the southern wing, and overbuilt the fourth floor above the central part. The new north wing was allotted a separate room for the museum.
During the Second World War, the building of the aquarium lucky. It was only partially destroyed, while the entire Sevastopol lay in ruins. On that day the exhibition was small, but unfortunately, due to severe frosts and constant bombings, was irretrievably lost.
the summer of 1951 Aquarium was opened for visitors. In 1958, in connection with increased utilization of biological resources of the oceans and seas, much progress has been voyages of discovery, involving researchers SBS and brought interesting exhibits for the museum. In 1959, the aquarium was presented more than 30 different kinds of sea creatures. Over the years, increased flow of tourists. Number of visitors in one summer day in 1962 reached four thousand.
In the early 60-ies Sevastopol Biological Station was reorganized into the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas. At the same time begin construction of a second room aquarium.
By 1965, the building of the Institute was expanded, while construction of a new aquarium. The spring of 1966 Aquarium-Museum IBSS SSR opened its doors to the public. His exposition was placed in 3 halls
Since 1994. Sevastopol Aquarium-Museum is located in the renting of CJSC Trade House Gess & °".
In the same year was carried out stepwise reconstruction and modernization of equipment. The new, enclosed water purification systems contain allowed in tropical aquarium fish and invertebrates are very sensitive to water quality. To prepare water use special salt mixture.
Currently, the Aquarium has 4 rooms:
In aquariums artificial scenery, fertile landscape of a coral reef. Decorations are made on the original sketches of acrylic plastic. The material is durable, nontoxic and safe for the living inhabitants of aquariums. Whimsical tropical fish and invertebrates can flourish among artificial rocks and corals.
In 1999 it was renovated premises of the old Aquarium. It housed a new exhibition of exotic freshwater fish and reptiles. There will also be installed in the aquarium water treatment systems closed-loop and decorations made of acrylic plastic. Decorations reproduce the characteristic form of fish habitat provided.
To keep exotic reptiles built comfortable heated terrariums. The scenery here is designed around the original drawings of reinforced concrete. This material allows you to create perfect imitations of rock, wood, etc. almost any size. Concrete structures are protected and waterproofing using modern materials. After the final color decorations take the form of natural natural corners. All work on the establishment of water treatment systems, lighting and decoration of the exposition are made members of the Sevastopol aquarium.
Since 2002, the aquarium-museum has begun construction of a new, fifth, the hall, which is scheduled for completion by 2004. Supposedly, it must accommodate the representatives of large sharks and rays, luminous fish and invertebrates, as well as the inhabitants of the fauna of the Far East and the North Sea.
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